Can You Buy & Name A Star In A Constellation?

You probably know that you can buy and name a normal, visible star. But is it also possible to name a star in a constellation? And if yes, what are the differences?

The quick answer: Yes, it is possible to name a star in a constellation.

Is it possible to name a star in a constellation

The quick, easy and short answer: Yes, it is possible to name a star in a constellation. The only thing is that not every one of our partners offers the option to name a star in a constellation but most them do. Naming a star in a constellation costs sometimes more than a normal star.

Which stars in which constellations can be named?

If you want to name a star in a constellation than you have to the choice between to option: a normal star and a binary star.

Normal stars

A normal star in a constellation is a visible, bright, single star in a constellation. This star can be named for any occasion and is loved and chosen by people around the globe as a star naming gift.

Binary Stars

The other choice are so called “binary stars”. These stars are also visible and can be chosen as a gift for any occasion. Most people choose these binary stars for weddings or Valentine’s Day, though.

The reason is simple: Binary stars are two stars which circle around each other which symbolized a “dancing” couple. That’s the reason people associate binary stars with couples.

Which constellations can be chosen?

There are 88 constellations. Most star-naming companies offer you the choice to name a star in a zodiac constellation and other offer you the possibility to name a star in every constellation. You’d have to check the star-naming companies offer to see if you can name a star in every constellation.

Difference between normal stars and stars in constellations

The biggest difference is their visiblity – as stars in constellations tend to be more visible – and that stars in constellations are really easy to find. Otherwise they are the same.

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